A history of Sophe the Giraffe
Once upon a time, there was the simple story of a giraffe named Sophie who was born on the 25th of May, in 1961, on the Feast Day of St. Sophia. A certain Mr. RAMPEAU, a specialist in the transformation of latex from the Hevea tree using the concept of rotational moulding, was stuck by the idea of designing a giraffe whose shape and size would be ideal for a baby's grip. Sohie La Girafe was an instant hit. Young mothers immediately recognized that this product, made of 100% natural rubber, was essential for their child, both to soothe their teething pains and to awaken all 5 senses. Recognised and appreciated worldwide, Sophie la girafe is exported to over 85 countries on 5 continents and has distinguished itself by already having won over 60 awards.
What makes Sophie the Giraffe so special
Sophie the Giraffe is very flexible and has lots of parts for baby to chew (ears, horns, legs). She is perfect for soothing baby's sore gums when teething and is completely safe. Made of 100% natural rubber and food paint. The dark and contrasting spots all over Sophie la Girafe's body provide visual stimulation and make her easily recognizable to baby. She soon becomes a familiar and reassuring objet.
She is very light and her long legs and neck are easy for baby to grip. She is very soft to touch, just like baby's mummy, stimulating soothing physiological and emotional responses. Sophie the Giraffe's singular scent of natural rubber (from Hevea tree) makes her very special and easy for your child to identify amid all other toys.
Buying Sophie La Giraffe - Same Day delivery to Hong Kong
Here at Toy Central HK, we think that no baby nursery is complete without Sophie the Giraffe. Choose from the traditional Sophie la Girafe rubber toy or from one of the unbearably cute teething rings and enjoy Same Day delivery to Hong Kong.